Likarolo tsa Hydraulic

  • ACD Series Adjustable Oil Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    ACD Series Adjustable Oil Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    The ACD series adjustable hydraulic buffer ke pneumatic hydraulic shock absorber e sebelisoang haholo masimong a indasteri le a mechine.

  • FC Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    FC Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    FC series hydraulic buffer pneumatic hydraulic shock absorber ke sesebelisoa se sebelisetsoang ho fokotsa tšusumetso le ho sisinyeha ho hlahisoang nakong ea motsamao oa lisebelisoa tsa mochini. E fihlella ts'oaetso e tsitsitseng ea likarolo tse tsamaeang ka ho kopanya moea o hatelitsoeng le oli ea hydraulic.

  • MO Series Hot Sales Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

    MO Series Hot Sales Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

    MO Series Hot Sales Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

  • SR Series Adjustable Oil Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    SR Series Adjustable Oil Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    Letoto la SR le fetolehang khatello ea oli e buffering pneumatic hydraulic shock absorber ke sesebelisoa se sebelisoang hangata indastering. E sebelisoa haholo mecheng le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng ho fokotsa ho thothomela le tšusumetso, ho ntlafatsa botsitso le polokeho ea lisebelisoa.


    The SR series shock absorbers e nka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea pneumatic hydraulic mme e na le mesebetsi e ka fetohang. E ka fetola phello ea ts'oaetso ho latela litlhoko tsa 'nete ho ikamahanya le maemo a fapaneng a ho sebetsa le maemo a boima. Basebelisi ba ka laola ts'ebetso ea ts'oaetso ka ho fetola khatello ea oli le khatello ea moea ea mochine o ts'oarellang, kahoo ba fumana phello e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea ho sebetsa.

  • RBQ Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    RBQ Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    RBQ series hydraulic buffer pneumatic hydraulic shock absorber ke mofuta oa monyebeli oa ho tsukutloa o sebelisoang hangata mecheng ea indasteri le lisebelisoa. E amohela motsoako oa theknoloji ea pneumatic le hydraulic, e ka fokotsang ka katleho tšusumetso le ho sisinyeha ha thepa ha e ntse e sebetsa.

  • RB Series Standard Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    RB Series Standard Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    RB series standard hydraulic buffer ke sesebelisoa se sebelisoang ho laola motsamao oa lintho. E ka fokotsa kapa ea thibela ho sisinyeha ha lintho ka ho fetola khanyetso ea hydraulic, e le ho sireletsa lisebelisoa le ho fokotsa ho sisinyeha.

  • KC Series High Quality Hydualic phallo ea phallo valve

    KC Series High Quality Hydualic phallo ea phallo valve

    KC letoto la boleng bo phahameng ba hydraulic flow control valve ke karolo ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho laola phallo ea mokelikeli tsamaisong ea hydraulic. Valve e na le ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le bokhoni bo nepahetseng ba ho laola phallo, 'me e sebelisoa haholo libakeng tse fapaneng tsa indasteri.

    Li-valve tsa letoto la KC li entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ho netefatsa hore li tšoarella le ho ts'epahala. Li sebetsoa ka nepo le ho lekoa ka thata ho netefatsa hore ts'ebetso ea tsona e fihlela maemo a machaba. Sebopeho sa eona se kopane, boima bo bobebe, ho bonolo ho kenya le ho boloka.

  • HTB Series Hydraulic Thin-type Clamping Pneumatic Cylinder

    HTB Series Hydraulic Thin-type Clamping Pneumatic Cylinder

    HTB series hydraulic thin clamping cylinder ke sesebelisoa se sebetsang hantle le se ka tšeptjoang sa pneumatic, se sebelisoang haholo ho thibela le ho lokisa mosebetsi oa tlhahiso ea indasteri. Mohlala oa lisebelisoa o na le melemo ea sebopeho se bonolo, molumo o monyenyane, boima bo bobebe, ho kenya habonolo, joalo-joalo.

    Letoto lena la li-cylinders li tsamaisoa ka hydraulically 'me li ka fana ka matla a maholo a ho thibela ho etsa bonnete ba hore workpiece e tiile le ka botšepehi holim'a benche ea mosebetsi. Ka nako e ts'oanang, e boetse e na le litšobotsi tsa ho koala ka potlako le ho lokoloha, e leng ho ntlafatsang haholo katleho ea tlhahiso.

  • HO Series Hot Sales Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

    HO Series Hot Sales Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

    The HO series hot ho rekisa double acting hydraulic cylinder ke sesebelisoa sa hydraulic se sebetsang hantle haholo. E amohela moralo oa liketso tse peli 'me e ka finyella ho ea pele le morao tlas'a ketso ea mokelikeli o hatelitsoeng. Silinda ea hydraulic e na le sebopeho se kopaneng 'me e bonolo ho sebetsa, e sebelisoa haholo mafapheng a fapaneng a indasteri.

  • GCT/GCLT Series Pressure Gauge Switch Hydraulic Control Cut-Off Valve

    GCT/GCLT Series Pressure Gauge Switch Hydraulic Control Cut-Off Valve

    Gct/gclt letoto la khatello ea likhakanyo tsa khatello ke mochini o thibelang metsi oa ho tima. Sehlahisoa ke sesebelisoa sa ho shebella le ho laola khatello ea tsamaiso ea hydraulic. E na le ts'ebetso ea ho lekanya khatello e phahameng ka ho fetesisa, 'me e ka khaola sistimi ea hydraulic ka bo eona ho latela boleng ba khatello e behiloeng esale pele.


    Gct/gclt letoto la khatello ea likhakanyo tsa khatello e nka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ho netefatsa ho ts'epahala le ho nepahala ha eona. E na le moralo o kopaneng 'me ho bonolo ho e kenya le ho e sebelisa. Sesebelisoa se ka sebelisoa haholo libakeng tsa indasteri le tsa mechini, joalo ka litsamaiso tsa hydraulic, lisebelisoa tsa kalafo ea metsi, likepe tsa khatello, jj.

  • CIT Series High Quality Hydraulic tsela e le 'ngoe valve

    CIT Series High Quality Hydraulic tsela e le 'ngoe valve

    Letoto la CIT ke valve ea boleng bo holimo ea hydraulic check valve. Valve ena e entsoe ka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le lisebelisoa ho netefatsa ho ts'epahala le ts'ebetso ea eona. E sebelisoa haholo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa hydraulic, ho kenyelletsa indasteri, temo, sefofane le masimo a mang.

    CIT series hydraulic check valves e na le moralo o kopanetsoeng le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho tiisa, 'me e ka sebetsa tlas'a khatello e phahameng le mocheso o phahameng. Li-valve tsena li na le litšobotsi tsa karabelo e potlakileng 'me li ka buloa le ho koaloa ka potlako ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tloaelehileng ea tsamaiso ea hydraulic.

  • AC Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    AC Series Hydraulic Buffer Pneumatic Hydraulic Shock Absorber

    The AC series hydraulic buffer ke pneumatic hydraulic shock absorber. E sebelisoa haholo mecheng ea indasteri le lisebelisoa ho fokotsa tšusumetso le ho thothomela nakong ea ho sisinyeha. The AC series hydraulic buffer e nka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea hydraulic le pneumatic, e nang le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho monya ts'oenyeho le botsitso bo ts'epahalang ba ts'ebetso.


    Molao-motheo oa ts'ebetso oa AC series hydraulic buffer ke ho fetolela matla a tšusumetso ho matla a haeteroliki ka tšebelisano lipakeng tsa piston ka har'a hydraulic cylinder le buffer medium, le ho laola ka nepo le ho monya tšusumetso le ho thothomela ka phello e nyenyefatsang ea mokelikeli. . Ka nako e ts'oanang, hydraulic buffer e boetse e na le tsamaiso ea pneumatic ho laola khatello ea ho sebetsa le lebelo la buffer.


    The AC series hydraulic buffer e na le litšobotsi tsa sebopeho se kopaneng, ho kenya habonolo, le bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso. E ka hlophisoa ho latela maemo a fapaneng a ts'ebetso mme e hloka ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ho monya ho ts'oenyeha ha mechini le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng. Li-hydraulic buffers tsa AC li sebelisoa haholo ho phahamisa mechini, likoloi tsa terene, lisebelisoa tsa merafo, lisebelisoa tsa metallurgic le masimo a mang, ho fana ka tšehetso ea bohlokoa le tiisetso bakeng sa tlhahiso ea indasteri le lipalangoang.